Jingyuan He's Portfolio
Develop an ZooSeeker android application by Android Studio in a 5-people team of CSE110 that offers navigation towards the exhibits of San Diego Zoo via actual GPS location when user permission is granted.
Working with java libraries for Android Developer such as LocationListener, and apply design adapter, observer, and strategy
pattern to achieve open-and-close principle for code management. Location mocking is provided.
Use Github for version control.
Main Interface: Added List

Show the exhibits added
Data preserved upon exiting the app
Clear all exhibits option
Search and Add Exhibits

Search for exhibits
Substring-filtered search
Add and remove exhibits
Optimal Plan

See the shortest-route plan
Dijsktra's Algorithm
Location Permission

Request for fine and coarse GPS Location of the user

Direction instruction towards the next exhibit planned
Default brief instructions
Replan Based on Current GPS Location

Replan option upon offtrack
Settings and Location Mocking

Location mocking by JSON or GPS coordinate
Detailed Direction Option

Detailed direction instruction enabled in setting button